The aim of the project ‘Children claim their future’ was to make children aware of theri own environment, their wishes for their future and of the dicrepancy between that future and the present situation, and of ways the would like to shape their future. Influence leaders and governors to make changes. The end-goal was that the children in every country would make agreements with their governments on the transition towards a sustainable future.
The project “Children claim their future’ had a very succesfulll start in The Netherlands. Readily the idea caught on and acquired support, it was embraced by the right people and organsations and they also committed themselves to it. A nucleus of 25 ‘ambassadors’ who ‘carried’ the idea, was formed. Many different workshops were held with youngsters from 10 to 18. from there on the idea of a workconference evolved, in which the rest of the project would be shaped. The workconference took place in 2006, with 80 youngsters participating, as well as the ambassadors. Amongst others, plans for the next steps included local centres where youngsters could work on shaping their future.
This way it seemed everything fell into place in this project. However, it turned out we were too early, minds were not ready for this kind of visionary thinking. Further funding proofed impossible, even by organisations that were involved in this matter.