Who are we ?

EarthWise Foundation

The foundation contributes to the transition towards a more sustainable society, both nationally and internationally. We specifically aim at the enhancement of awareness of the effects of our acts on both our present and future environment. We hope to reach many people with the message of behavorial change. Through this we achieve the transformation with individuals and organisations by acceptance of their own responsibility, leading to individual action towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

EarthWise is a non-profit organisation with ANBI-status (charity). Our funds come from gifts, donations and project subsidies.

EarthWise invites you to share your inspiring ideas with us and work together on their realisation. Shared and combined passion, inspiration and creativity make up the building blocks of the transformation towards sustainability. Of course you are most welcome with any questions and remarks you may have. We are part of an ever increasing (international) network of inspiring and inspired people and organisations !